Plan your visit
School visits to Brockhole
Before your visit...
- Choose your Activities
We offer a range of tutored sessions, educational trails and activities. For further details see our learning pages.
- Get in touch
If you would like to visit Brockhole but don’t wish to do any of our tutored activities, we still need to know you’re coming so that we can allocate you a coach parking space and control numbers on site. Contact us via email [email protected] or call 01539 440 275.
Important Health & Safety information
We understand that the health and safety of your group is paramount. We strongly advise you to make a preliminary visit to site so that you can carry out a risk assessment for the activities that you intend to do.
Brockhole has a number of beaches with access to the water (Lake Windermere). Please ensure that your children are carefully supervised at all times. We strongly advise that they are not allowed to enter the water. If you have already booked with us, please refer to the hazard identification map attached to your booking email, and the photos of the play park equipment.
Changes to Brockhole for 2025
Please note, as the visitor centre is now closed, there will not be any first aid provision available unless you are working directly with the Learning Service, or one of the activity providers on site.
If you have any health and safety queries, please get in touch in advance.
During your visit...
The visitor centre is closed to the public and only in use for our pre-booked, tutored sessions. This means that the shop, café and exhibition are also closed. From the 1 April, the toilets will be accessible for all visiting groups, 10:00 – 16:00. Please follow the directional signage, as the entrance to the building has changed.
- Reduce your waste
At Brockhole we encourage all visiting groups to take our ‘waste-free packed lunch challenge’. This year is no exception. To help the environment, we aim to minimise food waste and encourage recycling and reusing. Please help us by taking part! Find out more about our Waste-Free Packed Lunch Challenge.
- Be ready for the great outdoors
All of our sessions have outdoor elements or take place entirely outside:
The following are general guidelines:
- Please ensure that all children/students are properly equipped to cope with the weather on the day, i.e. strong footwear, waterproof clothing, hats & sun cream as necessary.
- Please ensure any children/students requiring medication carry it with them at all times.
- Please ensure that accompanying staff remain with their group at all times
As we don’t have an entrance fee, or charge for coach parking, we do ask for a £1 per child voluntary contribution. This income is extremely valuable to us, and goes towards the upkeep of the play and learning facilities on site.
Coach parking is free and booking is essential. Parking charges apply to cars and minibuses. All income goes towards supporting the work of the Lake District National Park and helps to maintain our stunning landscape for all to enjoy.
To discuss a visit and make a booking:
Please contact the Brockhole Learning Team at [email protected] or phone us on 015394 40275